Our continued success depends on you. Help us to Light the Way to a Brighter Future!
“Everything came together. I am happy I did it. Now I can award serious students who share my pleasures and passions. I can watch my award grow and expand, hopefully into more scholarships.
Pleasures and passions are enhanced by sharing; I encourage others to share their passions and watch them grow.”
– Helene
Charitable Registration No. 89291 2965RR 0001
Click here for donation form to mail us cash or cheque.
In Memoriam Donations honor the memory of a loved one, friend, co worker. Your donation will support the vision of the Lampe Foundation. A card will be sent to the donor with a tax receipt and the family will be notified.
Click here for donation form.
In honor donations highlight a special moment or event in the life of a person such as a birth, a promotion, a wedding or birthday. These are just some examples of events to be remembered in honor of someone. This is an excellent way to show appreciation for someone while supporting an important cause. The Lampe Foundation will send a card to the person honored and mention the donation made in his or her honor, An official receipt for income tax purposes will be issued to the donor.
Bequests are the best known way to make a Planned Gift to the Foundation. Your gift provides lasting support to the Lampe Foundation while providing tax benefits to your estate.
There are other ways to make a gift and benefit from the tax advantages associated with this type of donation. It is suggested the donor speak to his or her financial advisor.
Donations of life insurance allow you to make a significant impact down the road by making modest contributions now. By purchasing a new life insurance policy and naming the Lampe Foundation as the beneficiary, the premiums paid will be recognized as a charitable gift and you will be eligible to receive tax benefits. If you donate an existing policy, you will receive tax benefits for the cash surrender value and any accumulated dividends or interest, It is suggested you consult your Financial advisor.
Donations of marketable securities are an appealing option. Capital gains on publicly traded securities can be significantly reduced when gifted to the Lampe Foundation. Eligible securities include shares, bills, futures and units in mutual funds that are traded on the Canadian exchange. Once they have been transferred, they are sold and the donor will receive tax benefits for the stock value at the time of the transaction. It is suggested you speak to your financial advisor concerning this gift.
In Kind donations can be made in many ways, cash, furnishings, works of art to name a few. Your gift will be appraised by an independent professional and you will be eligible to receive tax benefits for the fair market value of your gift.
It is possible to endow a Scholarship in your name .For more information contact the Lampe Foundation.